Together with partner organization we mark the kick off of the KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth (KA210-YOU) project online. Each representative from Germany, Serbia and Turkey sharing the desired project implementation timeline, work distribution and organizational related discussion. Each country team comes up with ideas to shape the draft of the toolkit and course training.
This meeting is crucial for us to ensure smooth project implementation with a great result toward determined objectives. The meeting took place on Zoom and cover the following issues:
-getting to know each other work in the areas of entrepreneurship, empowerment, and competency development of young people with a special focus to girls and women:
-reviewing the project: objectives, plan of the activities;
-updating the project management plan including defining the roles and responsibilities of every organization;
-addressing the issues related to internal and external communication, including ensuring the visibility of the project;
-discussing the ways of monitoring and evaluation including financial monitoring of spending;
-identifying potential risks and discussing how to approach them.
We are delighted for a high spirit team member in their positive attitudes to create positive impact for girls and women in entrepreneurship.